Sunday, November 29, 2009

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can&#

I've tried to boot my computer from the CD but it doesn't do anything. Help!

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Ysafari browser

it's not going to work on the disk..... they do this so people CAN"T use burned copies of windows.... stop trying its not worth it

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Yds browser internet explorer

because, you have to use the "copy cd" option, as if you are burning from one disk to another disk, except when you are selecting the "source disk" you want to select the "cd image" option, if it is available.

Then burn that, and voila! you got yourself a fresh brand-new copy of Windows 2K.

NOTE: use a "CD-Image" option, not a "data file" option (drag 'n drop).

"Copy CD" etc.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet ex

It is possible, but not recommended. IE is integrated into almost every aspect of the windows operating system. Almost nothing works without it, including Windows Update. Hence one of the reasons for the Microsoft lawsuit a while back.

Here are links from wikipedia expounding on what I have just said. The first one tells of differing methods of removing IE from your system. The other talks about the Microsoft case.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet explorer?internet browser

You can, but it's better to keep it. Not all sites are designed for Firefox nor will you be able to use the Microsoft Web Update function which requires IE. I kept both myself.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet explorer?windows media center internet explorer

Why not??? It's just your decision.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?

start%26gt;run%26gt; type in msconfig

go to startup tab on the top right

there uncheck the things you don't want to start up.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?windows mobile 6

Right click on the item and click delete.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

Right click on the Start button, select "Explore All Users"

Expand Start Menu -%26gt; Programns -%26gt; Start Up.

If what you are looking for isn't there

type "C:\Documents and Settings\%26lt;Your UserName%26gt;\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" in the address bar of that window.

Where %26lt;Your UserName%26gt; is the profile you are logged in as.

If you don't see the address bad in the Explorer Window, its under

"View-%26gt;Toolbars-%26gt;Address Bar"
As mentioned above, using "msconfig" will work to prevent something from starting when Windows starts. However, it only works on Windows XP, not 2000... I've tried.
or simply click start, right click the thing you want removed and select remove from list from the menu that appears

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?

I accedentally installed the Deepfreeze program in my computer and i can't modify my computer programs anymore. Whatever the changes i made will be removed after i restart my computer. so i want to remove this program but i don't know how to remove this from my computer. It doesn't appear in the Program List under the control panel. How to remove or disable it?

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?windows messenger

go to start%26gt;search files and folders...Type in name of it ,let computer complete search..Delete everything in search window by right clicking on them

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?microsoft works internet explorerActually, the problem is that it removes stuff upon restart, what you can try to do is restart the computer and boot from a boot disk, then remove the DeepFreeze files that way, I'll let you figure out the file names, though. Haven't tried it myself, though, so not 100% sure if it'll work against DF Report It

Because of the 300 character limit I had to split my comment. Merely deleting it through search won't work because, and I misspoke before, it'll refresh the system to a specified slate. It deletes new stuff, and re-adds old stuff, it acts like a mini system-restore tool. Report It

manually remove it by going to my computer and then looking for it in whatever drive its in.
Going to have to explore around in all your folders I imagine!

You can also get Windows Installer Cleanup utility from Microsoft!

Hope that'll work for you, it works for me!

Let me know either way!

I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?

Here is a webpage that goes through the upgrade process for win2000 to xp hopefully it helps:

I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?windows updates

get the cd

put it in

follow directions


I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?replacement windows internet explorer

u can not use xp upgrade...u must have an xp software disc to upgrade to xp.
No u can't, go to the Microsoft link.
Personally. I wouldnt call putting home edition on any form of upgrade...stick with 2K pro

Is windows millium edition softwear older than windows 2000 or the same aged softwear?

windows 2000 came out about a half a year before ME , with 2000 being geared toward professionals and ME being the "home edition"

Why wont windows 2000 recognize cdroms in my cd/dvdr and cd/dvd drives ?

I have two drives on my system. One is a dvdrom/cdrom drive and the other is a dvdr/cdrom drive. Niether drive will read a cdrom. Error comes up saying drive drive is not accessable or please insert a disk. The dvd drive will read a dvd and the burner drive burns discs why wont they read a cdrom? The boxes they came in say they are capable of doing so.

Why wont windows 2000 recognize cdroms in my cd/dvdr and cd/dvd drives ?microsoft windows

Lemme guess, you just installed them? Did you set the jumpers correctly? Read the installation guides..

computer security