Sunday, November 29, 2009

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can&#

I've tried to boot my computer from the CD but it doesn't do anything. Help!

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Ysafari browser

it's not going to work on the disk..... they do this so people CAN"T use burned copies of windows.... stop trying its not worth it

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Yds browser internet explorer

because, you have to use the "copy cd" option, as if you are burning from one disk to another disk, except when you are selecting the "source disk" you want to select the "cd image" option, if it is available.

Then burn that, and voila! you got yourself a fresh brand-new copy of Windows 2K.

NOTE: use a "CD-Image" option, not a "data file" option (drag 'n drop).

"Copy CD" etc.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet ex

It is possible, but not recommended. IE is integrated into almost every aspect of the windows operating system. Almost nothing works without it, including Windows Update. Hence one of the reasons for the Microsoft lawsuit a while back.

Here are links from wikipedia expounding on what I have just said. The first one tells of differing methods of removing IE from your system. The other talks about the Microsoft case.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet explorer?internet browser

You can, but it's better to keep it. Not all sites are designed for Firefox nor will you be able to use the Microsoft Web Update function which requires IE. I kept both myself.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet explorer?windows media center internet explorer

Why not??? It's just your decision.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?

start%26gt;run%26gt; type in msconfig

go to startup tab on the top right

there uncheck the things you don't want to start up.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?windows mobile 6

Right click on the item and click delete.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

Right click on the Start button, select "Explore All Users"

Expand Start Menu -%26gt; Programns -%26gt; Start Up.

If what you are looking for isn't there

type "C:\Documents and Settings\%26lt;Your UserName%26gt;\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" in the address bar of that window.

Where %26lt;Your UserName%26gt; is the profile you are logged in as.

If you don't see the address bad in the Explorer Window, its under

"View-%26gt;Toolbars-%26gt;Address Bar"
As mentioned above, using "msconfig" will work to prevent something from starting when Windows starts. However, it only works on Windows XP, not 2000... I've tried.
or simply click start, right click the thing you want removed and select remove from list from the menu that appears

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?

I accedentally installed the Deepfreeze program in my computer and i can't modify my computer programs anymore. Whatever the changes i made will be removed after i restart my computer. so i want to remove this program but i don't know how to remove this from my computer. It doesn't appear in the Program List under the control panel. How to remove or disable it?

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?windows messenger

go to start%26gt;search files and folders...Type in name of it ,let computer complete search..Delete everything in search window by right clicking on them

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?microsoft works internet explorerActually, the problem is that it removes stuff upon restart, what you can try to do is restart the computer and boot from a boot disk, then remove the DeepFreeze files that way, I'll let you figure out the file names, though. Haven't tried it myself, though, so not 100% sure if it'll work against DF Report It

Because of the 300 character limit I had to split my comment. Merely deleting it through search won't work because, and I misspoke before, it'll refresh the system to a specified slate. It deletes new stuff, and re-adds old stuff, it acts like a mini system-restore tool. Report It

manually remove it by going to my computer and then looking for it in whatever drive its in.
Going to have to explore around in all your folders I imagine!

You can also get Windows Installer Cleanup utility from Microsoft!

Hope that'll work for you, it works for me!

Let me know either way!

I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?

Here is a webpage that goes through the upgrade process for win2000 to xp hopefully it helps:

I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?windows updates

get the cd

put it in

follow directions


I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?replacement windows internet explorer

u can not use xp upgrade...u must have an xp software disc to upgrade to xp.
No u can't, go to the Microsoft link.
Personally. I wouldnt call putting home edition on any form of upgrade...stick with 2K pro

Is windows millium edition softwear older than windows 2000 or the same aged softwear?

windows 2000 came out about a half a year before ME , with 2000 being geared toward professionals and ME being the "home edition"

Why wont windows 2000 recognize cdroms in my cd/dvdr and cd/dvd drives ?

I have two drives on my system. One is a dvdrom/cdrom drive and the other is a dvdr/cdrom drive. Niether drive will read a cdrom. Error comes up saying drive drive is not accessable or please insert a disk. The dvd drive will read a dvd and the burner drive burns discs why wont they read a cdrom? The boxes they came in say they are capable of doing so.

Why wont windows 2000 recognize cdroms in my cd/dvdr and cd/dvd drives ?microsoft windows

Lemme guess, you just installed them? Did you set the jumpers correctly? Read the installation guides..

Help for Windows 2000 Professional SP4?

Well, I just installed SP4 on another computer, but when it restarted, it kept on restarting again and again after I try to log in. HELP!!!

Help for Windows 2000 Professional SP4?microsoft publisher

If this computer is networked, and can be accessed this is the registry key that needs attention.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Look for the UserInit key on the right side and make sure that it is pointing to this path...


If safemode or last good configuration are not available using %26lt;f8%26gt;, either get a win2k CD or make setup floppies from another computer with win2k and use the repair option. If it's still unsuccessfully, boot again from the floppies and uninstall the service pack from add/remove programs.

You might want to try installing sp3 first, and then sp4. Without the CD this is pretty much a fatal problem if these steps don't work.

Help for Windows 2000 Professional SP4?microsoft live internet explorer


I had some problems before with Windows 2000 Pro SP4 myself. Try to start the computer in safe mode (Press F8 when the loading bar appears). If that doesn't work, do a repair with a bootable Windows 2k CD.

Can a program for Windows 2000 run on Windows ME as well?

I don't think anything runs on Windows Me.

Can a program for Windows 2000 run on Windows ME as well?windows xp themes

Windows 2000 is a server OS based on Windows NT technology. Windows ME is a home OS based on DOS. They are in no way the same, but the only way to find out is to install it and run it. It may just work -- it may not.

Can a program for Windows 2000 run on Windows ME as well?download windows media player internet explorer

I don't know for sure, but I have Office 2000 installed with Windows XP.
It depends on the program.

If you have a disk, check the back of the disk for minimum requirements, most times it will list both;

OS: Windows 2000/ME/XP or whatever system.

I don't know which came out first, but its a safe bet that you can use it on both OS's. Any program listing OS's lower than your current OS means that you can use it on your newer OS.

If the App is downloaded from the internet, check the download page, most time they have system requirements as well.
Honestly it depends on what foundation the program you are trying to install and run was built under. Windows 2000 runs primarily under the NT Kernel but has the ability to emulate the DOS Kernel for legacy applications. Windows ME was based solely off the DOS Kernel and has no support for applications that rely on the NT Kernel.

So in other words 鈥?if the program was designed to be used on JUST Windows 2000, then no it is not going to work. But if the program was designed to be cross platform compatible and uses the DOS Kernel, then yes there鈥檚 a very good possibility that it will work.

Good luck,


I have windows 2000 and i cant seem to get my backgrounds to show up.?

i go into settings and try to set a background and it wont even let me click on anything so i decided to download webshots and even when i tell it to use that certain wallpaper it doesnt ever show up all you can see is my background color. am i missing something? please help its driving me nuts.

I have windows 2000 and i cant seem to get my backgrounds to show up.?microsoft frontpage

I helped someone with this the other day. The only way she coule get the image to work was by opening it. Then right-clicking on the image and choosing "Set as Background"

Explain why windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?

Windows 2000 has very strong security tools, while generally having the ease-of-use of Windows XP. For my own personal computer, I'd go with Windows XP Home. For business applications, I'd look into Win XP Pro first, then consider Win 2000.

Explain why windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?microsoft support

Windows 2000 Professional is the NTFS version to Windows ME. It is more stable and more likely to be used by businesses. It has better networking capabilities and security. It is more expensive than ME.

Explain why windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?windows live mail internet explorer

Win 2000 is the first Windows of NT-kernel heritage that don't use "Windows NT" as its name. Immediately following it in this lineage are X Box/360, Win XP Home/Pro/Media, Vista.

Windows NT was positioned to target corporate IT market, 2000 Professional is for the corporate cubicals; as opposed to 2000 Server for the IT room.

The other hand, dead-ended lineage is DOS-based, Windows 9x, and lastly Windows Me; they are dead-ends were marketed for home-use. Even they are replaced by XP Home in this generation.

If you have a windows 2000 how do you put music on a i pod?

update your computer. i think itunes requires xp. and the newest version also requires a 64 bit processor.

Do you think i should get windows 2000 or windows xp?

windows xp it's newer and better.

Do you think i should get windows 2000 or windows xp?microsoft windows xp

xp, its the newer system

Do you think i should get windows 2000 or windows xp?ie 7 internet explorer

Get Vista! If you MUST get windows. Mac is WAY better.
xp itsz the most recent besides vista
um..ur about 6-7 years behind, try gettting a new computer with vista
this obvious answer for beneficial reasons is windows xp :D
XP........... dont bother getting Vista its crap and most software doesnt work with it, plus the successor to Vista will be released in a year and a half anyway.
Try Xp Its Better.
XP, or 98 if your old school (jp) but NOT windows ME whatever you do or you'll regret t FAST!!! So i'd say xp, its pretty tite, runs way better than vista.
Either of those are great - just don't get vista. Vista has lots of problems.
Windows XP I don't think Microsoft supports 2000 anymore with updates. But also depends on how old your system is to?
XP- IT's newer and pretty well perfected. The jury is still out on Vista
Windows xp, people don't go backward 2000 came before xp.
it all depends on what you want to use. windows 2k is more like a server type operating system. windows xp is more compatible for majority of these software. in my opinion i would pick windows xp so that you won't have to worry about both software/hardware issue.
From the two you should get XP, it has later and more up to date features than 2000 and more software and programs will work on it than 2000.

but Windows Vista is the latest from Windows after XP so that would be the best choice of all.
windows xp
Out of those two choices, definitely XP, but Vista is better than both.

Vista is the newest i have it but i think might want to wait on it.

Has some kinks.
Get windows XP. Windows 2000 is way too old. And I have heard of too many problems with Vista. Windows XP, I think, has been around long enough to be reliable, for the most part.
Windows 2000 is too outdated -- I would definitely go with XP. Most people using it, like it and Microsoft is going to offer non-technical support for another five years.

Unless you are going to get a new computer, you had better run the WindowsXP Advisor to see if your computer can run it.

Go here

Scroll down a bit and look for the Advisor.
That's the same as asking "Should I get something newer or something older?

Well that depends on "what ya got and what ya wants ta do.

If you have a later model comp, then get the latest OS (Operating System).

Every new version of Windows has added benefits and programs and yes Vista has some problems (mostly gaming) but that's because the game manufacturers are not yet caught up or have not yet supplied a patch to fix it.

PS: Should I get a horse and buggy or a Ferrari?

XP. I had both but I love XP

Iam using windows 2000 with internet connection.A toolbar was installed in explorer without permissi

I cannot uninstall or remove the toolbar is it a spyware

Iam using windows 2000 with internet connection.A toolbar was installed in explorer without registry

Go to control panel , add and remove programs and remove that particular toolbar installed. Thats Hit !

Iam using windows 2000 with internet connection.A toolbar was installed in explorer without 6 internet explorer

It might be. Without a name to go by it is hard to say. However if it was added without permission, it sure sounds like ad or spyware. Download Windows Defender anti spyware. It will probably get rid of it and prevent it from coming back. It is free too. Another thing to get rid of any program is your uninstaller....Below are links for free downloads! your uninstaller is a 21 day free trial....Good luck!

Operating Systems Supported: Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP, or later.

I have service pack 2, does this mean the software with this on it won't work with my computer?

Operating Systems Supported: Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP, or later.........?windows 95

If you have Win2K you need SP3. If you have XP you're fine.

I have windows 2000 can I completely remove Microsoft Internet Explorer if so how? I now have firefo

Go to add/remove programs and then click on the left side it says windows programs, click that and then uncheck internet explorer.

I have windows 2000 can I completely remove Microsoft Internet Explorer if so how? I now have firefox.?windows 2000

no, you can hide it but it is to importand to the OS to completely remove. plus there are still some websites you need it for

I have windows 2000 can I completely remove Microsoft Internet Explorer if so how? I now have firefox.?internet explorer internet explorer

you cannot remove completely MS Explorer, just hide it, and never use it again.
Internet explorer is part of windows.....I'm sure you're still using parts of it even if you have firefox.
well the way I would do it is to delete the program from the computer and use firefox instead put it into the trash and then empty it

but in your case, no you can't just don't use it
You can remove most programs by going to Start%26gt;%26gt;Control Panel%26gt;%26gt;Add or Remove Programs%26gt;%26gt;And click the program you no longer want and/or need.
You can hide it from the control panel, add remove settings, But like the others say, do not delete or permantly remove it, windows explorer and several other vital programs rely on it. Or you can simply delete the desktop "E" Icon and forget it. And use firefox, I recently aquired Fast Browser Pro - It is freeware now, use to cost $29.95. It uses tabs, skins, and Helluva Fast Browser Based on the IE interface. But NO DO NOT DELETE IE, you will regret it.. Trust a A+ Tech, I know what I am talking about, and it didn't cost you a thing, but to listen....Good Luck
no you can't remove it but you can hide it as the first person said
Don't remove IE. There are some websites which use IE even if Firefox is your default. You would have difficulty using those sites if IE is not installed on your computer.
You shouldn't do that, because if you need to go to the MS website, they will require you to use IE. Just use Firefox (and keep it updated)!

My laptop windows 2000 has seem to gotten of its Microsoft internet site i cant download of get noth

i believe it is full of virsus How don i get back on track without my computer locking? this is driving me nuts i cant watch my programs without some Abode flash drive or some else i have to doownload or i cant watch any thing that says full episode . What is aMacrombie something else to download to watch programs my computer is really old about 7years now. i can get dsl but not internet explorer. Thank help will be accepted.

My laptop windows 2000 has seem to gotten of its Microsoft internet site i cant download of get nothing at alwindows themes

if you're thinking of buying a laptop you should check out this site first. they give you a sony vaio laptop for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?

go to control panel/system/advanced/performance/advanc... memory/change and increase the value minimum to 800 or 1000 and maximum to 1800 or 2000

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?microsoft word 2003

if your running low on virtual memory then you could be running low on hard drive space check it out... cause if you get to low one day you'll boot up to can't load windows ... missing operating system Report It

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

either stop some programs from running or buy more ram.
Easiest method is to add more RAM and free up disk space as well.

Uninstall old programs you aren't using and move files you are not using (pictures, mp3, avi) onto CD or DVD as a backup.

Issue is that the programs you are running have used up all the RAM and accessed disk space until there is nothing really left.
You need to increase the size of your page file. Right click "My Computer" and choose "Properties" to open the System Properties dialog. Under the "Advanced" tab, find the section "Virtual Meory" and increase its size there. Make sure your disk have enough unsegmented free space, if not, do defragmentation first.
Virtual Memory is space allocated on your hard drive for those times that your physical memory (RAM) is not enough.

To increase the amount of virtual memory go to Control Panel %26gt; System %26gt; Advanced %26gt; Performance %26gt; Settings %26gt; Advanced %26gt; Virtual Memory "Change" %26gt; Custom Size %26gt; adjust as needed. 2 times your physical RAM is a good minimum and 3 times your physical memory in MB is good for your maximum.

Difference beetwin windows 2000 server and 2003 server?

1- win2003 server interface near to win xp

2- win2003 server more secure

3- win2003 server support more network protocol

4- win2003 server support more new hardware

5- win2003 server have more friendly interface

6- win2003 server have more friendly interface

7- win2003 server more expnsive

8- win2003 server requre more hardware resource

9- win2003 server support full .net

Difference beetwin windows 2000 server and 2003 server?download windows xp

please refer to microsofts website

Difference beetwin windows 2000 server and 2003 server?ies internet explorer

Window2003 is the latest and upgrade version of Windows2000 Server Operating System.

enhanced security is main feature of Windows2003 server

WindowsXP is the preferred Client Operating System for Windows2003 Server.
windows 2000 server is an older version of windows server system that windows 2003

I have windows 2000, i need flash player 9, where can i download it?

download it at the link given below

I have windows 2000, i need flash player 9, where can i download it?microsoft word download

I have windows 2000, i need flash player 9, where can i download it?internet explorer download internet explorer
Try this Link type this into ask jeeves - Download Flash Player 9 (Complete Standalone Installer) - free ...
from adobe website.

Use of Windows 2000 fax prog on XP Pro?

Is it possible to use the fax prog from W2k on an XPPro machine. Has this been done. The fax details have disappeared from my computer, even hidden files and I've misplaced (lost?) setup disk. I realise all files will have to be transferred etc to relevant folders.

Use of Windows 2000 fax prog on XP Pro?download windows media player

Have you considered Internet faxing? If you sign up with an Internet fax provider you get your own fax account. Faxes are sent and received in your email inbox, so faxing is very mobile. For more information take a look at

Question about windows 2000?

Ok on the pc that runs win 2000nt.It will not start i get an error stating that it is missing winnt\system32\config\systemced.Is there any way to go around this without a boot disk.It is my sisters old pc but I use it in my home to network.If I know someone that has a disk can I get it off theirs and if so does it have to be the same os.Thanks

Question about windows 2000?windows vista home premium

Somehow your config. sys file got dumped or is corupt. Go to and download a win2k boot disk.

Question about windows 2000?ie tab internet explorer

You need the original disk. Why use illegal software when you can get operating systems and programs free. Try UBUNTU. If you have 256MB of RAM get a full version. If less, get XUBUNTU.
If you have the original installation disk for Windows 2000 you cane boot to the CD and reinstall Windows over top of your current installation--repair installation. This replaces files needed by Windows that have become corrupt or unusable. You can also boot to the Windows 2000 CD and run Recovery Console, which is a command window. Run chkdsk /r to check your windows file system. Sometimes hard drive failure will cuase similar errors, but try the repair installation first. DO NOT repartition or format, just a new install over the same partition.
try reseting the pc to its original state when u bought it.

VPN on Windows 2000 Server?

Hi, can you :-

1) Have W2k server terminnate more than one VPN ? I have one setup but want to connect to another diff network.

2) Can you config RRAS on 2k Server to, for example, allow exclusive access to user x to devices on ip range - and exclusive access to user y to devices on - ?? Basically I dont want users being able to see the devices that the other one can view..


VPN on Windows 2000 Server?

1.Don鈥檛 think you can which is why we use hardware VPNS but I think I saw some cisco software that would allow multi vpns A better way of doing it is to daisy chain your VPNS together under different ip ranges

2.Not to sure but I would think that limitations to ip rages are standard they are in 2003 server another way of looking at it is to lock down via subnet mask?

3.I usually charge!

I have windows 2000 and when I try to run a DOS program I get this message: program too big to fit i

what should I do?

I have windows 2000 and when I try to run a DOS program I get this message: program too big to fit in memory?ie

You need to upgrade your RAM. You need 256 or more. Buy a RAM at computer shop like best buys usually cheaper then the computer technitions ( get a quote first ). Then call the technition to up it in.

I have windows 2000 and when I try to run a DOS program I get this message: program too big to fit in memory?microsoft internet explorer

That could be because of RAM. If your RAM is small, some of the programs might not get initiated. On your desktop, Right-Click on "My Computer" icon and then select "Properties". This will pop open a window that shows your system's basic configuration, including how much RAM you have.

Other possibility could be because you are running too many programs at once. Try closing other running applications while you that DOS appliacation that you were talking about. Eventually even this boils down to lack of RAM.
Try WindowsXP, it has a better compatibility mode. Right-click on the executable and there should be an option to run as if Win95 etc...

Set up windows 2000 advance server as DHCP Host?

I have 13 computers to network to a server. I would like to use DHCP. Do I need two network cards? If there is a web site I could view as to the way to set up the server accordingly I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Set up windows 2000 advance server as DHCP Host?ie 7

there is no need of two network card, u must have a hub or switch.

In windows 2000 %26gt; start %26gt; program %26gt; administrative tools %26gt; configure ur server %26gt; select networking %26gt; dhcp %26gt; start %26gt; and proceed with the wizard and ur reqruitment.

U have only 13 computers, so u can use network C ip addresses,

like -

make sure that all other system must have automatic ip address.

If u have any comfusion, then please contact me on

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Set up windows 2000 advance server as DHCP Host?ireland internet explorer


you can certainlly just go to this link and you will find all the answer that you need

and see the section ---

How To Install and Configure a DHCP Server in a Workgroup in Windows Server 2003

its the same for 2000 and 2003 serve no big difference

I want to download windows 2000 online. i now have windows 98. can i do this? thanks for the help.?

You have to buy it. You can get it at a store like Best Buy.

I want to download windows 2000 online. i now have windows 98. can i do this? thanks for the help.?ie 6

Sorry, you can't download it. But you could try it on limewire though. If you want to download, just download Windows Vista Beta! Or if you are experienced enough with computers then just get yourself a linux distro as they are free and hell lot of cool and stable than poor windows.


I have windows 2000. I want to upgrade to XP home edition but my computer won't do it Why?

You need the rebotable cd

I have windows 2000. I want to upgrade to XP home edition but my computer won't do it Why?download ie

did you get the softwere if you got it and try to install it by using the disk if you cant then that means that your computer isnt capable of upgrading to xp home basic you should buy a new one

I have windows 2000. I want to upgrade to XP home edition but my computer won't do it Why?windows media player internet explorer

memory too small

not enough hard disk space

CPU too slow

any two of the above

all three
Some computers are just built specially for certain software.

I wanted to go from Vista to XP, but i cant.

its just the way the computers built sometimes
some computers are set up with a specific software that if you try to upgrade it will screw with your computer
its possible your computer isnt compatible for windows xp home edition
More information required for others to help. Give as much detail as possible. Like upgrade software, your RAM etc, etc. What errors do you get?

In my experience you might not have enough memory or a big enough processor to run it... I have upgraded my kids computer from Mellinium to XP home edition but first I had to wipe the drive then install the XP...It works great good luck ...
You need to make sure your using the windows XP upgrade disc. If that doesn't work you might have to try and format your hard drive and install a full version from scratch.
You have stumbled across the old problem with windows 2000.

For starters, Xp is a cut-down generic version of 2000.

I encountered this problem way back when we first got 2000! My IT boys decided to "do me a favour" and upgrade my Lappy! The result was I lost compatibility with all my old peripherals!

When they tried to revert to the old windows 98.......... NO GO! (In Microsoft terms, 2000 is also an upgrade on Xp.)

It took them a couple of weeks to restore the old girl to normality!

You really need to talk to Microsoft, or an accredited Microsoft IT Engineer to resolve this.
May b some driver and software utility is not compatible with XP. U instead select new installation (advanced) option. If failed boot ur system with WINXP bootable CD and initialize the installation. By doing this XP could ask u to format ur drive so before installing backup data of drive on which u install XP
Because Windows 2000 is considered part of Microsoft's business/professional product line (hence the full name "windows 2000 professional", and can only upgrade to Windows XP Professional. XP Home can only be used to upgrade systems running Windows 95/98/Me.
You need XP Pro if you are going to upgrade from 2000. XP Home will only upgrade from Windows 95/98 or ME.

I have Windows 2000 XP Why can't I get Yahoo PhotoMail tools on my e-mail. I had it on 1 e-mail

get Yahoo PhotoMail tools on my e-mail.

There are several reasons why you cannot get Yahoo PhotoMail tools on my e-mail.

maybe your browser is not properly configured to view that type of file. Usually, the easiest solution is to upgrade your browser to the most recent version:

Download the Firefox browser

Download the Internet Explorer browser

If you're having trouble reading an Adobe PDF file, you'll need to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which allows you to open and read these types of files..

You might also have problems viewing an attachment if it was sent in an unreadable "encoding type." When a message is sent, the sender might be able to choose an encoding type. If possible, the sender should use MIME encoding.

I have Windows 2000 XP Why can't I get Yahoo PhotoMail tools on my e-mail. I had it on 1 e-mail address.?internet explorer 7

no clue maybe you should contact them

I have Windows 2000 XP Why can't I get Yahoo PhotoMail tools on my e-mail. I had it on 1 e-mail address.?microsoft word internet explorer

The first step would be to determine which operating system you have. Is it 2000 or XP?

I use Windows 2000. I need to know what my "incoming and outgoing" server name is. How to

I don't have very much "computer knowledge" as you can tell. I don't understand. Does it mean like ""?

I use Windows 2000. I need to know what my "incoming and outgoing" server name is. How to find?internet explorer 6

there are the info you need

pop address:

SMTP address:

hope it helps

I use Windows 2000. I need to know what my "incoming and outgoing" server name is. How to find?windows live internet explorer

You need to call your Internet Service Provider. They can help you set it up.
Incoming mail server will usually be pop.ispname

eg: Tiscali is

Sending server is usuallu smtp.ispname

These should be on your ISPs help pages and you put them into your email client.

How many people use Windows 2000, as compared to Windows XP?

Percentages or raw numbers are fine. Ideally with a link to an online source.

How many people use Windows 2000, as compared to Windows XP?ies

I can only tell you largely home user uses XP.

Only coporate still uses 2000.

So the world population vs coporate.

How many people use Windows 2000, as compared to Windows XP?windows update internet explorer

I am an XP user and I dread vista
I maintain a website and my current counter states that only 7% of users accessed my site using Win2000. On the other hand over 90% used Win XP.


A+ Certified

I uninstalled windows 2000 frm my comp and rinstalled it but I can't get an internet connection

My comp uses a wireless router, how do I get my internet connection back?

I uninstalled windows 2000 frm my comp and rinstalled it but I can't get an internet connection?internet explorer download

You need to re-install all the drivers for your hardware. You also need SP4 to get wireless working on 2000.

What is windows 2000 hotfix?

critical update for window 2000

What is windows 2000 hotfix?internet explorer update

There are several of these, they are patches to the system to block serious security holes discovered in the system after it's release.

Will Microsoft Word for Windows 2000 or XP run on Windows Vista?


Will Microsoft Word for Windows 2000 or XP run on Windows Vista?ie tab

try it.

Will Microsoft Word for Windows 2000 or XP run on Windows Vista?windows mobile internet explorer

It definitely should, but don't hold me to it: not much experience with Vista.

Help! Any Windows 2000 experts...?

My computer is pre-owned, and the previous owner had made an administrator account for him/herself and I don't know the password. I was, however, able to make my own account, but I was not able to make myself an administrator, so i cant download ANYTHING including AVG anti-virus, explorer 6.0, or msn. Its extremely annoying, and i am much more able to get a virus this way. Please help, if you can! Thanks!!

Help! Any Windows 2000 experts...?uninstall internet explorer

If I were you, I'd go ahead and reinstall Windows 2K. Since the computer was "pre-owned", there is no telling what was left behind or what problems you may have in the future. Since you have the OS installed on that machine, the previous owner needs to give you the CD and CD key. If he installs the OS on another machine, then you will be at fault because you do not have the license in hand.

Now that said, I've heard that if you reboot the computer in safe mode, you will be administrator and then you can adjust the accounts as needed. I'm not running W2k so I can't verify. If that doesn't get it, then you may need to delete the SAM file which holds the account information. Seek help from Google and check out this page for some additional idea.

Help! Any Windows 2000 experts...? internet explorer

Hmmm....been awhile since I used Windows 2000. I know there's programs that you can download to erase or change passwords on systems but be very careful what sites you go to and what you download.

I can't remember if 2000 has the *.pwl file that you can search for and delete. If you do a search for all files, look for *.pwl and if it comes up with any, delete them. Those are the files where the passwords are stored. Try to then log in to the administrator account without a password.
Search for Winternals Admin reset, or Systernals Admin reset and you should find the utility you need. I have it on CD but cant remember exactly where I got it. I do know that it was free and works like a charm.
Reformat and Reinstall windows. You can almost get any distro easily off the internet. As difficult as it might look, OS installation is not exactly rocket science. Its as easy as any software installation.
I really hate to tell you but the only way to really get rid of this problem is to re-format the hard drive and install a new Operating system. you could try a password cracking software but the good ones will cost more than XP, or 2003 server

I have windows 2000, how do i reset all defaults settings?

okay. first of all, these people below are aren't helping you at all.

you could have made this a more detailed question, however.

If you would like windows 2000 to be restored to the day you got it, you can click start:all programs:system recovery then click system recovery on the drag-over list.

If you can't find system recovery there, then try finding it in the control panel (that's under the start menu too)

Otherwise, you can set all PROGRAM access defaults in the control panel as well. Get into the control pannel whichever way is easiest for you, then click add/remove programs.

On the left hand side you will see "set program access and defaults". The rest should be self explanitory.

I hope i've been of help.

I have windows 2000, how do i reset all defaults settings?microsoft

by installing XP !!!

I have windows 2000, how do i reset all defaults settings?microsoft access internet explorer

reset all defaults on what the explorer ?

right click the explorer ,click on properties

click on advanced tab ,click on restore defaults ,then click on apply %26amp; ok do not enter the device manager or registry or msconfig or the bios or your pc will come to a stop
Do you have the installation CD?
Copy all files and folders in the directory for C:\Documents and Settings\All Users to your personal file and then reboot.

I have windows 2000 and everytime i start up, yahoo IM downloads as well as my space IM how do i pre

I know that my computer is older but that is not the issue. After i downloaded yahoo I.M. and myspace I.M., both show up at start up. I would like to prevent this since it takes so long to complete the start up process as is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I have windows 2000 and everytime i start up, yahoo IM downloads as well as my space IM how do i prevent this?ireland

Go to start, run type msconfig go to the start up tab click on disable all

Friday, November 27, 2009

Difference between windows 2000 and 2003 server?

this is the microsoft official source for improvement over various of features in windows 2003

Difference between windows 2000 and 2003 server?windows vista

I installed Windows 2000...?

into the computer. But the program before was 98. An still is running on the O.S. 98. Any idea why? Thanks.

I installed Windows 2000...?windows media player

When upgrading from OS to OS, it is better to format your computer first (back-up your files if needed) because there a tendency that some of the components of the previous OS will not be overcome by the new OS that you installed. Just like your case, we know that the Win98 OS commonly say it's perfect especially the Second Edition Win98 because of it's high end MS Dos program and very friendly for all users. The problem why still Win98 running is due for the components of it's self that the Win2000 doesn't overcome it...The components of Win98 that the VIOS may still activate it and not the Win2000....

How does windows 2000 server work and what is a domain, domain conroller and active directory?

That's a BIG question. If you need a pretty detailed answer, then you should probably look through a MCSE prep book to understand it better - but here's a brief summary:

Windows 2000 server is just like Windows 2000 professional, except that it has a few other programs installed that allow it to act as a domain controller. A domain controller is a server that controls a domain - meaning if you set up a network, you can have a machine running windows 2000 server as your domain controller and have many client workstations that connect to the server. When a user logs in to the client workstation, they can log in to either the local computer only, or log in to the "domain" (domain is a network, to put it briefly - but there are lots of details you should look up). As a domain controller, all of the user accounts for the domain are stored on that machine, as well as the security policies for the entire domain. You can also install Exchange on the domain controller so that users on your domain can get email. Active directory is the Microsoft program that makes a Windows 2000 server a domain controller. When you install active directory (you install it by typing dcpromo in the Start-%26gt;Run box in Windows 2000 server), after running through the installation wizard, that machine will become a domain controller. But this whole concept is pretty complicated, so you'd be best reading up on it if it's something for a test or if you'll be doing it at work

Hi! I'm running windows 2000 NT. I'm not able to load and play my computer game's. Wh

The games are ea sports tiger woods and monopoly. Any input would be appreciated!

Hi! I'm running windows 2000 NT. I'm not able to load and play my computer game's. What can I do! word

do you have enough ram and the latest direct x 9

Which free software for Windows 2000 plays .MOV videos?

Where can it be downloaded?

Which free software for Windows 2000 plays .MOV videos?windows live

Which free software for Windows 2000 plays .MOV videos?windows media player 11 internet explorer

Install it for free and download the file.Good luck.
I agree with number 1 quick time is pritty good player

and i think it was free
vlc player plays just about anything... seriously i've only found one file that it couldn't open...

Internet Explorer problem in Windows 2000?

Hi all,

I got acer laptop with windows2000 OS. Now, when I connect it with Internet; I can view some website where as some website page go to "Page can not display message". I check and change Internet option%26gt;Advance setting. I also check security setting but everything are alright.

Now, when I install new IE 7, i get message like

" Setup could not verify the integrity of the files needed for installation. Make sure the cryptographic service is running on this computer".

I have checked cryptographic service in Administration tool but it was not there.

So, Could anybody please tell me, if s/he know how to overcome from this problem?

Thank you.

Internet Explorer problem in Windows 2000?windows update

Follow these steps in order to fix this problem.

1. Uninstall internet explorer Mozilla on Google

3. Download fire fox which is the most secure and best web browser of 2008.

4. Enjoy the new features of fire Fox which will make you wonder why you ever used internet explorer in the first place.

Don鈥檛 believe me. Find out for yourself.

(-And for the record I can鈥檛 believe that there are still newbs using IE. what a joke! Anyway check out Fire fox and ill guarantee you'll never use IE again-)

Oh and a bit off topic check out my stick animation videos on you tube.



Internet Explorer problem in Windows 2000?microsoft excel internet explorer

When you have a better laptop I suggest you to have Win Xp or Vista and hen you have to format your pc. The rason I am telling you is your OS supports IE 5.And you cannot use IE 6 or 7.
i thought IE7 isn't compatible for Windows 2000?
Switch to Mozilla Firefox as fast as you can, IE is like a gateway for malware for your computer
F**k that. This sorta thing always happened with me so I just got a Mac

Internet Explorer 7 will not work with Windows 2000. It is not compatible with your OS. For you to view some websites, you might as well uninstall ie7 or upgraded your OS to XP or Vista.

Hope this helps


My comptuer is a windows 2000 and wont download itunes how do i download my music to my ipod shuffle

Itunes does not run on Windows 2000. The requirements are as follows:

Windows Requirements

* 32-bit editions of Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Vista

* 64-bit editions of Windows Vista

* 500 MHz Pentium class processor or better

* QuickTime 7.1.6 or later (included)

* 256MB RAM

* Supported CD-R or DVD-R drive to burn CDs

* Broadband Internet connection (DSL/Cable/LAN) for buying and streaming music

My comptuer is a windows 2000 and wont download itunes how do i download my music to my ipod shuffle?windows xp

Windows Requirements

32-bit editions of Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Vista

64-bit editions of Windows Vista

it wont install on Windows 2000

Why was Windows ME a disaster and Windows 2000 good.?

Windows ME - otherwise know as Microsoft's Edsel - was a patch job before the release of XP. It was built upon the old FAT 32 file system - its kernel - all screwed up.

Windows 2000 was and is a very stable operating system - base upon the NTFS file system. It was built with networking in mind and performs that task very well.

The only real drawback with Windows 2000 is it balking at third party applications.

Why was Windows ME a disaster and Windows 2000 good.?web browser

Because Windows ME was just a revamped Windows 98SE kernel whereas Windows 2000 was roughly based on the NT line of Windows products. Windows sucks, but Windows 2000 Professional was the exception.

Why was Windows ME a disaster and Windows 2000 good.?windows installer internet explorer

The above comments are on the money - my version is simple i guess LOL

ME came out in 2000 and it was not a very well written OS. It didn't offer very many new features and the programming was not very thorough - didn't support a lot of other things like some anti-virus programs, probs with defrag, shut downs, et cetera.

It is a "buggy" programs. Most programs have little bugs every now and then, but since this was somewhat thrown together and not well written and actually released as an OS - it's failure was widespread. Hence they fixed that and released XP in 2001.

Basically - it wasn't well written.

Google it and you will find a lot of interesting comments :)

Hope That Helped!

Bri Vahling

Certified IT Tech

I upgrade my windows 98se to windows 2000 and i can't install the ethernet controller.?

Can anyone help me? your answer will be much appreciated. Thank you.

I upgrade my windows 98se to windows 2000 and i can't install the ethernet controller.?windows mobile

find the ethernet manufacturer and go to their website and find drivers for 2000. save it and install it in the 98 machine. I take it since you are online posting this, you have access to anouther machine.

I upgrade my windows 98se to windows 2000 and i can't install the ethernet controller.?safari browser internet explorer

If unable to find suitable driver for Win 2k compatible nic's can be purchased for under 锟?.00 (Realtek?)
If your computer's motherboard has onboard ethernet, go to the motherboard manufacturer's website and get the drivers.

If you have an add-in ethernet card, go to the card manufacturer's site.

I'm surprised Win 2000 didn't recognize your NIC. It's usually pretty good at that. Maybe you have an obscure system.

I have Bell South DSL Windows 2000 Professional?

I my son use did something and I don't know what happen.

when I try to get on exployer it's say's I have low memory. How can I fix that or go back to the earliest time before he got his hand on it.

I have Bell South DSL Windows 2000 Professional?windows mail

He may have made changes to your virtual memory settings.

You will get that error if you don't have enough virtual memory or not enough RAM. Virtual memory acts like RAM to the OS but is not resident withing RAM hardware, instead it is a file on the hard drive(s) accessed by the OS called the 'paging file".

On a 2000 machine check this link for instructions on how to change the size of the paging file (virtual memory).

This page is general support for your 2000 OS.

Here ya go:

Windows 2000-Based Computer

1. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.

2. Click the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, click Change, set the "Initial Size" and the "Maximum Size" values for the paging file to 0 (zero), and then restart your computer.

3. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.

4. Click the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, click Change, reset the "Initial Size" and the "Maximum Size" values to the recommended values for Windows 2000, and then restart your computer.

After you configure the paging file to an appropriate size, the temporary paging file is deleted and virtual memory errors no longer occur.

Set virtual memory to 1.5 times actual RAM

I have Bell South DSL Windows 2000 Professional?microsoft maps internet explorer

Try rebooting
try to reboot it
Rob couldnt have said it better. Reboot if anything.

I am running windows 2000 xp how do i delete the cookies in my computer?

Well just open Internet Explorer, click on the Tools link at the top, click on the Internet Properties and then the "Clear Cookies" thats all.

I am running windows 2000 xp how do i delete the cookies in my computer?windows xp service

Also along with IE right click your start menu--properties--start menu-- customize----clear.

I put my windows 2000 cd to repair. I hear it run and then it stops?


I put my windows 2000 cd to repair. I hear it run and then it stops?microsoft net framework

Open the drive with the CD in it using Explore.

Then look for a file in the root directory called AUTORUN.

Since you already have 2000 installed the menu will ask whether you want to Repair or Replace the current installation.

You can take it from there.

Free downloads of windows 2000?

Don't count on it.

Free downloads of windows 2000?windows xp home

Sorry there is none, but there is a os that looks just like it and is compatable with windows called ReactOS

Free downloads of windows 2000?microsoft visual studio internet explorer

Yes,go to ""

In reference to windows 2000,which of the following statements is not true:?

a. Active server is a key infrastructural component.

b. It was designed with the home user in mind.

c. Can provided greater security and stability.

d. A new file system was introduced

In reference to windows 2000,which of the following statements is not true:?

B- ME was

Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition Released to Manufacturing

New Consumer-Focused Operating System Will Enhance the Home Computing Experience In the Areas of PC Health, Digital Media, Home Networking and Online Experience

In reference to windows 2000,which of the following statements is not true:?microsoft windows xp internet explorer


but one thing is true. microsoft does not support OS other than windows xp

im sorry, win 2000 is still supported, only win me and below...

i need points sorry!
B of course
it was designed to act as a server not for home servers. so B
its B dear , it was Windows me (millenium edition)which was created by windows keeping the home users in mind , whereas windows 2000 was built on NT technology
beyond doubt b. windows 2000 was a server based software and servers are not meant for home users. all others are true. active server was a key component, new and greater security and stability measures were taken care of and a new file system that was ntfs system which was introduced.
it's B .
B is correct bcoz we have 2000 proffessional and also 2000 server.

Can i download windows 2000 off the web for free?


Can i download windows 2000 off the web for free?microsoft maps

Not legally no.

However it is one of the operating systems that Microsoft no longer support and you dont need to activate or register.

So technically there would not be an issue with a torrent copy, providing you have a valid product key.

We have existing windows 2000 server in the office and i want to connect my pc to the server?

I am already create my user name at active directory user name but when i change the workgroup to domain configuration in my computer the error is A DOMAIN CONTROLLER FROM THE DOMAIN DDISERVER COULD NOT BE CONTACTED but i can ping the server. I have something to do in the server to access the domain

We have existing windows 2000 server in the office and i want to connect my pc to the server?windows nt

"I am assuming DHCP is being handed out by the router. Therefore the laptop is getting a DNS IP from the ISP instead of the Domain Controller.

Either A: Setup DHCP on the server

Or B: set up a static address with the server IP for the DNS."

We have existing windows 2000 server in the office and i want to connect my pc to the server?windows 95 internet explorer

Is the server running as a domain controller? If not you can't use domains. This normally only occurs when the server is not available to browse due to dns or other network browsing problems. If this is a Vista machine try going to tcp/ip properties on your machine, and select advanced then wins. Set always use netbios over tcp/ip, and turn off use lmhosts. If this does not work check your firewall settings.
Try reloading the windows on the client while you are connected to network. During the loading of os, you will be prompted to connected to DNS.

If there are other problems of virus etc, they will be resolved.

Transfer all Data on client to D or E drive beore formating C drive.

What year was Windows 2000 released?

just trying to get an idea when it was released on the market..know it was between 98 and

What year was Windows 2000 released?microsoft flight simulator


What year was Windows 2000 released?windows 2000 internet explorer

I think its at the end of 1999.
Hope this helps
Feb, 2000 Full version released to public
Beta version was released in fall of 98, but OEM version was released mid to end 99
the year was 19 hundred and 99

also if you turn the 999 upside down it is 666 that is why windows 2000 or ME sucks azz.
im pretty sure that it was released in 1999- just in time for everyone to update before 2000
it just so happens i have the evaluation coppies of windows 2000 professional,2000 server and 2000 advanced server, and they are (c) 1999 Microsoft.
in early 2000
Duh I have Windows 2000 It Came Out In Late 1999 and early 2000
Ok here is when!:

February 17, 2000 is the date set for public release of Microsoft's long-awaited operating system: Windows 2000. The location will be IDG World Expo's Win2000 conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Win2000 Release Candidate 3 (RC3) will soon be given to a select group of final testers, a subset of the 650,000 RC2 testers.

Microsoft will emphasize four key marketing messages at the Windows 2000 launch, according to partner sources. These are the ability of Windows 2000 to "Internet-enable" businesses; its reliability; its manageability; and its status as the "best platform for new devices" because of its Plug And Play and streaming video support.

Hope This Helps... =8^)

Diffrence between windows98 &windows 2000?

Windows 98 (as well as ME) is based on Windows 95. Windows 2K (and also XP) is based on NT. They are from 2 different development paths.

Functionally, Windows 2K runs more software, manages memory better, and is smoother. The user interface is connected at a lower level and is more responsive under near-hang conditions. It is also more stable than Windows 98.

What is best ? windows 2000 pro or xp?

both are based on NT technology , but 2000 is probably coming to the end of it's lifecycle and won't get updated.

you'd be better off to go for xp or vista , but vista being the new kid, takes far more resources and also they are updating it a lot more.. (as they did with xp when it first came out)

to all who moan about vista and don't own it, I luckily have the choice. As I bought my pc when they were doing "buy now.. get vista later".. So I got the best of both worlds via a dual boot =)

remember all new pc's normally ship with vista unless you specify otherwise. Since it will have such a large user base, they'll fix the problems soon enough..

If you don't like it , be thankful it isn't windows ME.. now that was very bad =/

What is best ? windows 2000 pro or xp?microsoft downloads

I use XP and have no complaints!

What is best ? windows 2000 pro or xp?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer

windows xp.. more privileges..
windows xp lookes nicer , is faster, has beta processors, much more easy. 2000 is boreing
2k is faster on older machines, like less than 700 MHz, but, overall, XP is better. There is more protection, more tools, and it is a much more secure system. 2K is more prone to Trojans and worms, some of them, as of yet, unpatched.
Windows xp is the best by far dont even look into vista because vista is to new and uncompatable with alot of stuff i may look into vista in a few years i have vista ultimate setup tho not installed tho..

My computer with windows 2000 cannot read some attachments.?

Its mostly attachment for pictures or PowerPoint.

My computer with windows 2000 cannot read some attachments.?microsoft xp

It probably has nothing to do with your computer itself. Assuming your Internet connection is fine, you've probably either hit the size limit for attachments, don't have the appropriate programs to view them, or haven't configured them to open the files. Try pointing your browser in the direction of Powerpoint, or just saving the files to disk and then opening them.

Also, PPT has this thing called PackAndGo -- guaranteed to produce corrupt data.

I'm running Windows 2000 Professional. I have 47 running processes.?

I don't know if its good or bad. Which ones are a must to stay on so I can stop the others in the background making my computer funny at times. I also have Zone Alarm, McAfee and Ad-Aware. McAfee was bought wrong so I had to get other coverage.

I'm running Windows 2000 Professional. I have 47 running processes.?default browser

Have you tried "Security Task Manager?"

I also run windows 2000 and have quite a few running processes that I didn't understand, or know if they were needed.

This 30 day trial will explain what each running process is, and if it is safe to remove.

You just click on each process and a box will come up that tells you everything you need to know about that process.

P.S...(Although in MY case it didn't make my computer run any better, I was able to check what was actually running and remove anything that wasn't needed. I make sure I run all my scans, AVAST, SuperAntiSpyware and Ccleaner on a weekly basis, as well as running a firewall!)

My com runs great and I don't seem to have any probs.

Good Luck!

I'm running Windows 2000 Professional. I have 47 running processes.?microsoft word download internet explorer

just leave it alone until your PC has become slow. the must are certain important windows process,anti-virus,firewall and any other security software all others are optional.
thats about right....

I want free windows 2000 professional material?


I want free windows 2000 professional material?windows xp themes

go to the download center at


I want free windows 2000 professional material?download windows media player internet explorer

Make a search on yahoo, also go to and search for it. And of course...Microsoft
If u want the windows 2000 professional for free back off

I have install windows 2000 in my conputer and now my monitor is not working like before picture is

I can't fix this conputer after adgreting from windows98 to windows2000 picture and information is not good

I have install windows 2000 in my conputer and now my monitor is not working like before picture is to bad?microsoft frontpage

I think you havn't installed your graphic card properly. look for it's driver for windows 2000. though you have to know your graphic card brand and model, do you?

you also can go to that graphic card production company website and look for driver there...

I have install windows 2000 in my conputer and now my monitor is not working like before picture is to bad?windows vista home premium internet explorer

you need to download the windows2000 graphics card driver , im sure you will find in
you need to download the right video driver
You need to update driver for your video(Graphic) card or install Moniter driver to Window 2K. To download any drivers, you should check the model no. on either video card or monitor model no. then search on the net... unless you have the original CD or floopy dish that come with the hardwares.. hope it helps a bit..

I am using windows 2000 and internet explorer. I keep getting javascript errors I need a debugger an

I need an easy to use, since I am not too experienced to fix javascript errors, a program that scans and fixes runtime and other jave errors. I hope it can be freeware, but will pay if I have to. If anybody knows of a good reliable debugger that will not crash my system please let me know because I use a program called Blacboard and inside it there is a spell check that will not work but gives me "errors on page". I have recieved other java errors and am hoping that Microsoft comes up with a better virtual machine soon. I would like to get rid of Java but I have to fix the errors to help me in school. Thanks, Brett

I am using windows 2000 and internet explorer. I keep getting javascript errors I need a debugger and fixer.?microsoft support

Try checking windows update for IE patches. If that doesn't help, try uninstalling and re-installing IE from Add/Remove programs-%26gt;Windows Components

I am using windows 2000 and internet explorer. I keep getting javascript errors I need a debugger and fixer.?windows live mail internet explorer

firefox comes with its own JavaScript debugger

It is free web browser and should be used instead of IE

after installing it open the page u want to debug with firefox

then from tools menu -%26gt; javascript console

a window will appear telling u about any Javascript error u may face

then u can fix it (no program can fix errors of your javascript code automatically)

and if there is, it will not be accurate
Make a clean windows install, update your drivers. Simple things like this can get rid of 99% of software problems.

Before I install Windows 2000/XP, how can I determine if the OS supports all the hardware on my PC?

As long as all your hardware as Windows 2000 compatible drivers, all the hardware will work. check the manufacturer website of each part.

Before I install Windows 2000/XP, how can I determine if the OS supports all the hardware on my PC?microsoft visual studio

Unless you have some really exotic hardware it will be supported by 2000/XP

Can i install windows 2000 to a pentium 3 machine?

Windows 2000 will work Great on a P3. I have found that it works quite well with 128MB of ram and even better with 256MB. The best way is to do a clean install by zeroing the hard drive with the drive manufactures software. You should have at least a 3GB drive to have a useful machine.I run more than one drive using a master and slave configuration. Be sure that you have all of the drivers for your machine - They are available from the manufacturer of you machines web site.You will need a good unzip program also. This is available from Major Geeks or use FreeZip it works quite well(see sources). After the drive is zeroed boot from the W2K disk and let windows setup format the drive. I always use NTFS as it is far more stable than FAT32. I would also upgrade to I.E.6 with service pack one for more secure Internet use.

Can i install windows 2000 to a pentium 3 machine?microsoft windows xp


Can i install windows 2000 to a pentium 3 machine?ie 7 internet explorer

ya you can install 2000 on P3 mac. windows req for win 2kk is only 400\mhz processor and 64mb ram
Yes.... Follow the system requirements on the box. There is a minimum frequency and ram specification. But most PIII's meet and exceed the requirements i'd say 95% of PIII's are compatible.
Minimum Requirements:


133 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU.


At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM; more memory generally improves responsiveness.

Hard Disk

2 GB with 650 MB free space.

CPU Support Windows 2000 Professional supports single and dual CPU systems.
you can install win 2000 on machine which have

133 Mhz cpu

32 Mb ram

1Gb HDD Space

and so that pentium 3 is much higher then minimum requirements of win 2000 so you surely can install it.

I am using windows 2000 proffesional, I right click on a file so i can use the "SEND TO" f

in on a cd in my cd drive. But it only has

1. 3 1/2 floppy

2. Desktop (create shortcut)

3. Mail receipts

4. My documents


5. compact disk (e)drive

I am using windows 2000 proffesional, I right click on a file so i can use the "SEND TO" feature so I can savewindows registry

Windows 2000 doesn't support CD burning natively while Windows XP and later do. That's the short answer. You need to use third party CD burning software to burn to a CD in Windows 2000.

As to the installation key, no, you can't do that.

I am using windows 2000 proffesional, I right click on a file so i can use the "SEND TO" feature so I can saveie 6 internet explorerNo nerd jail, it just won't work. Report It

Windows 2000 is the most flawed Operating system Bill Gates has come up with. It will save you tonnes of time, money and sanity to shell out $100 for Windows XP.

As for your problem specifically; it is one of the flaws of the OS.


Backup all your data...if it'll let

Then upgrade the Operating system to XP.
That option uses a technology which wasn't available when win2k launched. You must have used a newer system with Windows XP on it. You can add a link to the E: drive, by searching for a folder called 'sendto' and putting a shortcut in there, but I don't think it will behave the way you want to.

Windows XP has that option for CD's, where it actually copies files to a temp directory on the harddrive until you choose burn cd.
You would have to install burning software on your system to get that option, as Windows 2000 didn't come with the built in ability to burn to a CD/DVD.
3 possibilities:

1) May be that option is not there in your OS. Try updating your OS to Service Pack 4(this is the latest one).

2) Is that your CD writer or just ROM? If writer, Do you also have burning software installed. coz I know 2000 does not have default writer software as in XP.

How do I upgrade my windows 2000 professional PC to windows XP?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

I stored a windows 2000 document in favorites and can't retrieve it. Help please?

I created a document (actually a diary entry) but by mistake I stored it in Favorites and now I can't get it back. Microsoft want to charge me 锟?0 to tell me, which is ridiculous as it's just a personal document and not worth anything, and trying to find answers on the website is a joke - you have to know what questions to ask and I'm sorry but I haven't a clue about the technical stuff. I could re-write the document but I'd still like to know how to get the original back.

I stored a windows 2000 document in favorites and can't retrieve it. Help please?windows 2000

So does this mean it's in your computer? Have you tried searching for it? There should be a Favorites folder on your computer and the file should be there...

So use Search to try and find the file or use Search to find your Favorites folder and the document hopefully will be there.

Good luck

I stored a windows 2000 document in favorites and can't retrieve it. Help please?internet explorer internet explorer

The chances are it's stored in a folder somewhere in Favorites.

Do this, Click Start and then select Search.

Enter the name of the file and click Search.

This should find the file for you.
If you know what you called the document, then you can use the 'search' facility to find it. The 'search' facility, if you are using 'Windows XP', is listed when you click on 'Start' at the bottom left of your screen.
Click Start - My Computer - Documents and Settings

Click on the folder with your computer name and you will see a big STAR icon labelled Favorites. Click on it to open it and your file should be there.
Go to My computer, then start searching for the file with given name. That's all its simple. When you find the file you can donate at least 50% of the (20) amount to any orphan home

Why would a Windows 2000 box freeze and lock up completely?

It's only started happening recently (in the last few months)

It started happening when it was 1st switched on in the morning and would happen for 1 or 2 reboots, then it would be fine for the rest of the day.

Now it's started happening completely at random, and seems to be getting worse.

I've opened it up and ensured everything is seated correctly and removed all the dust. All the fans are working.

Could it be a software issue which is fixable by an over-install, or am I likely to be looking at a bill for replacement components?

Why would a Windows 2000 box freeze and lock up completely?windows themes

Point to the problems we have had recently with windows 2000 it seems that after a while it can become unstable.

Why would a Windows 2000 box freeze and lock up completely?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

How is the hard drive ? Could be on the way out, and need replacing.

Has the workload increased ?

Windows is absolute rubbish, isn't it ?
It could be possible hardware failure. My guess would be that the processor is overheating.

Have you ever taken the case off the side of your computer and blown the fans out with Compressed air? The fans are there to keep the interior of your PC cool. If they are clogged with dust and dirt then they cannot move the air effeciently, thus resulting in an overheated PC that reboots itslef, locks up and shuts down ocassionally.
deffinetly sound like hardware problems more likley PSU need a replace but over install never hurt anything.
Ive seen similar problems when bad RAM is present. Check with RAM you know its working. If you do get the machine up, try running a diagnostic tool on the whole computer to try and figure out the problem. Windows 2k is by far more stable than XP so these kind of problems usually are because of faulty hardware. You can also check the processor temperature and fan speed on the BIOS.

How to bypass Windows 2000...forgot password.?

Here's a utility that apparently lets you reset it. Note that the text says NT, but Windows 2000 is an NT based operating system.

How to bypass Windows 2000...forgot password.?microsoft word 2003

go into bios or set up and disable password protection...good luck

I Jus installed Windows 2000 and?

all of the sudden my speakers dont work

what can i do?

I Jus installed Windows 2000 and?microsoft word download

Sounds like you need to install the drivers for your soundcard.

I Jus installed Windows 2000 and?internet explorer download internet explorer

did you by any chance mistake windows 2000 for windows vista?

c'mon man, i dont want to seem like an a$$ but were in 2007 step your game up!! lol
control panel - sounds %26amp; multimedia, see if ur sound card is configured, else select hardware tab %26amp; click on trouble shoot.
Happened to me too. Went back to win 98, problem solved. Still running 98, and no intention of changing.

On the same platform, should windows 2000 runs faster than windows xp ?

Win2000 code base is faster and more stable than the 5 year old code for Windows 9x (including Windows Me).

However, when you compare Windows XP with Windows 2000 they're pretty evenly matched. On systems with +600Mhz processors and 512Kb of RAM, our XP installations run just a hair faster than the same systems running Windows 2000. XP also has a definite advantage over Windows 2000 on Pentium 4 processors.

On the same platform, should windows 2000 runs faster than windows xp ?download windows media player

if win 2000 takes less go power than win xp on your pc, then win 2000 will have more resources to run on thus making it faster... hope this clears things up for you...

On the same platform, should windows 2000 runs faster than windows xp ?internet explorer update internet explorer

Yes, becuase 2000 would use less resources than XP. Just remember that a lot of XP programs will work badly (or not at all) on the old 2000 interface. The speed increase is not enough for you to want the change. You should also note that 2000 is a much less refined version of the Windows NT kernal than XP (that means that XP will have far less problems).

How to i change from windows 2000 pro to windows xp .i have a compaq evo n600c?

you have take off your old operating system first, go to controll panel and open add and remove programs. on the left hand side there should be an option for windows p[rograms open that and delete the old one and install the new one.

How to i change from windows 2000 pro to windows xp .i have a compaq evo n600c?windows vista home premium

Just buy a XP upgrade CD. Its pretty self driven. Good Luck.

How to i change from windows 2000 pro to windows xp .i have a compaq evo n600c?ie tab internet explorer

Buy the Windows XP upgrade, available just about anywhere software is sold.

Microsoft patches for Windows 2000?

get service pack4

it will patch you up fine

sp4 is the last service pack made for win2k

Microsoft patches for Windows 2000?

check the on the following links


Arun R.

Microsoft patches for Windows 2000?uninstall internet explorer internet explorer

Type into your address bar:

Which is faster, Windows 2000 pro or XP pro?

Prior to Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional was Microsoft's most stable operating system. Many users would argue that it still is and that XP doesn't really bring enough to the table to go through the hassle of upgrading. So why should you switch?

Windows 2000 and Windows XP are, of course, essentially the same operating system. Internally at Microsoft, Windows 2000 is known as NT 5 while XP is known as NT 5.1. Both are based on the original Windows NT kernel, and both have sought to marry the NT and Windows 98 operating systems.

So which is better for you? Should you stick with what you know, or take a chance on a new upgrade? And if you do, how much of a challenge will it be? Below I present con and pro arguments pertaining to upgrading from 2000 to XP.

2000 was a good year

The Windows 2000 OS offers many advantages over previous releases of Windows, including Active Directory, self-healing applications, distributed management utilities, and an overall better performance. The platform is also very flexible and is available in professional workstation and server versions appropriate for a small or large businesses.

Windows 2000 also has an easier-to-use interface and avoids the use of Styles and other "improvements" found in Windows XP. The interface is straightforward and more like Windows NT 4 than either Windows 98 or XP. And because Windows 2000 has been out since 1999, many more bugs and security issues have been fixed (or at least addressed) via periodic Service Pack releases than with Windows XP.

Furthermore, vendors have had longer to make their products compatible with Windows 2000 than they have with Windows XP. Add that to the fact that Windows 2000 doesn't employ the controversial product activation that its newer cousin introduced and it's no wonder that many users across the country are opting to stick with the older OS.

If you're running anything less than a 400MHz system with 256MB of RAM you're probably better off with Windows 2000. The older OS requires less computing power, making things run much more smoothly on an older system.

Finally, if you have Windows 2000 Professional and install the service packs, Internet Explorer 6, Media Player 8, and DirectX 8, you'll have a system very similar to Windows XP without the assorted extra pieces of software that come with it. You'll also avoid the whole "product activation" ordeal, making life just a little bit easier.

Take the plunge

All the above said, if you have at least a 400MHz machine with 256MB of RAM, Windows XP will run faster on your system than will Windows 2000. (Independent benchmark tests indicate that Windows XP delivers 34 percent better performance when installed on a new PC than does Windows 2000. Average application access time is also 21 percent faster.) The new OS is also more configurable, giving you more control over your environment. Windows XP is also fully compatible with Windows NT 4, Windows Workstation, Windows Millennium, and Windows 98, and roughly 90 percent compatible with Windows 2000 applications, avoiding many of the compatibility issues that have plagued users of Windows.

One key difference in the overall look and feel of Windows XP is the redesigned interface. While it may take a while to get used to for die-hard 2000 users, the desktop is less cluttered and the task-orientated menu system will make accessing the programs and applications you most often need much easier. If you absolutely love the classic interface, don't fear; you can revert to it at any time.

Windows XP also offers more bells and whistles, such as built-in CD writer support, Remote Desktop Connection, Internet Connection Firewall, Fast User Switching (useful for when multiple users are sharing one PC), and Windows Movie Maker. And when you consider that the new OS boasts greater support for Windows 95/98 games and utilities, it's hard not to consider making the switch.

And because Windows XP is the latest and greatest OS, more manufacturers (not to mention Microsoft) will develop software for it than for Windows 2000. After all, Windows XP was built in part to replace its older cousin, so why should software houses support something that's obsolete? Manufacturers of existing hardware and software products are also more likely to add Windows XP compatibility now than Windows 2000 compatibility, as the industry focus has shifted to the newer OS.

With the release of Windows XP, Microsoft has also instituted a very thorough testing process that should ensure that third-party device drivers meet high performance criteria. Microsoft maintains a single update site containing copies of all certified driver and application program upgrades. Also, whenever new DLLs are installed, Windows XP will retain the older versions to allow for an easy restore in the event that something goes wrong. Updates can also be automatically downloaded and installed for network users. With Windows XP, users will no longer have to visit multiple vendor sites to download up-to-date drivers.

In essence, Windows XP users will get the benefit of building on existing Windows 2000 knowledge while being able to run many applications that ran under Windows 9x/Me, but failed to run properly under Windows 2000.

To switch or not to switch

If you've been using Windows 2000 Professional for a year or two and are happy with it (and don't need it do anything it isn't already capable of doing), then you probably don't need to upgrade to Windows XP Professional. Once you take away all the bells and whistles, there isn't much of a difference between the two operating systems. Save your money and buy some more RAM instead.

If, however, you'd like to add some of the compatibility that Windows 98 had and want to be on the cutting edge of Windows technology, an upgrade to XP is probably the way to go. If you have the available memory to support the new OS and need (or even just want) the new features that XP offers, then go for the upgrade. Installation is fairly easy and straightforward, especially if you've checked out your system ahead of time. Windows XP Professional does improve on its older cousin in a number of key areas, and there are worse ways that you could spend your money than to upgrade your OS.

Which is faster, Windows 2000 pro or XP pro?ie

My 2kpro runs circles around my XP!

Which is faster, Windows 2000 pro or XP pro?microsoft internet explorer

XP pro is way faster

I have a windows 2000. Im trying to load a floppy disk. It keeps saying a:/ is not accesible. What s


I have a windows 2000. Im trying to load a floppy disk. It keeps saying a:/ is not accesible. What should I DOie 7

it sounds like the floppy may be corrupted. Try another floppy, just to make sure that the drive works.

I have a windows 2000. Im trying to load a floppy disk. It keeps saying a:/ is not accesible. What should I DOireland internet explorer

check if floppy is formatted
Might want to try a:\

Note the different direction of the slash.
upgrade you computer. or check drivers. or if you actually have any friends, try theirs. or check cables. or stop being an asshole. oo there's a thought.
Put a BLANK disk in the floppy drive.

Go to "Start", "Run", and type "" in the little box that comes up. This will take you to a DOS prompt.

now type " format a:"

If you get an error message, there is a problem with your floppy drive. If you don't, there is either a real problem with the disk, or, more likely, the disk is in a non-recognized format. You will need to try it on another PC.


If you did not get an error with the blank disk (above), that disk should now be formatted for your PC. You can copy what's on the disk you can't read into a folder on the other PC, then copy it back out of there onto the "blank" disk you formatted on your computer!

As easy as writing a critical essay on "Finnegan's Wake"!
insert floppy in fdd and right click on drive a and select format..

try formating.......

if you get abnormal sound kut..kut...kut from floppy, simply change the disk..........
Does the light on the drive light up when you try to access the disk.. you might have an internal problem.. check inside..

- check that there is a cable connecting floppy drive to Power Supply.

- check that there is a cable connecting floppy to motherboard.
If the Files on the Floppy Disk that you are using are not compatible ( created using other OSes like Solaris, Unix , Windows 95 etc) with Windows 2000, then it will indeed say a:\ is not accessible.

This can also happen if your " a:\ drive " has become defective or of the Floppy Disk that you are using is defective or corrupt. This can be understood by the fact that though the LED indicator on the Floppy Drive lights up, the Floppy can not be read. The Files on the Floppy Drive may have become corrupt as well.

Some of the answers you get here will indeed be smartA.S.S, if you do not like this then simply do not ask questions here. Remember that the people who answer questions here are providing you a service and you are the one in need of such answers.
lol check the disk and check the drive one of them may not be working
If you know for sure that there is data on the floppy. Reboot and before you insert the floppy, open "My Computer", then insert the floppy and click on 3 1/2 floppy A and run. (See what happens this way).

I had Windows 2000 Server it was great for security, far less patches, but very difficult to find compatible software for this platform. So I switched to Windows XP Prof.

Can tell you that I had the same problem with floppy disk as you are having. Usually was only able to run from "My Computer".

Try this, as you have a new pc.

Good luck, hope it works for you.
first thing that i would do is check to see if your pc is reconizing your floopy drive, click start/my computer/ see if the floopy drive is on that page, if it is on that page then you will need to check the following, click start/right click my computer/ properties/hardware/device manager, make sure your floopy drive is on that list and that it does not have a ! or an X, if you dont see your floopy on that list then it is bad, if it has one of the symbols then it is bad, usually those symbols mean you have a driver issue, but ive never seen a floopy with a driver
OK, This usually happens when your diskette has been written in a windows 98 under another file structure system (for a reference FAT, FAT32, NTFS), anyway go to the start button and then to Run click on it, in text box of the appearing dialog box write "cmd" (without quotes) then press enter or click in the OK button or Run button of the dialog box, a black screen will appear..with a cursor blinking in that screen write the next withour the quotes "a:" and then press enter, this will give you access to you floppy then write the next line "copy yourfilename.doc c:" it has to look like

a:\copy yourfilename.doc c:

see that de dot doc (.doc) next to the file name is the extension of the file for the example I used .doc cause is the MS Word file extension and it's very common. Now the command you wrote copied the file to the root of your hard drive (c:\). You can create a folder in c:\ called dfloppy and then user "copy *.* c:\dfloppy\" instead the other command. If this doesn't work you can try open the disk in another pc with a lower version of windows and try to save the files in another disk or media (CD, email, etc) and if this does not work then

probably your floppy is broken, or your diskette is damaged (in this case is you may need to write chkdsk a: in the same black screen but this could cause your files lose some info). If the disk is damage you may not recover your files from that disk.

How much is windows 2000 or XP?

...does it cost?

...trouble are they?


...inferior to other products?

...better than all other products?

...compared to what?

See, just complete the thought/question....

$99 if you aren't smart enough to have a friend with a disk or have it already installed

How much is windows 2000 or XP?ie 6


How much is windows 2000 or XP?windows vista internet explorer

I got an XP lap top and mine was $649 after mail in rebate
I don't think they sell 2000 anymore. As far as XP, it depends if you are purchasing the home or professional version. It also depends if you're purchasing an upgrade or full install.

XP Pro full install: $299

XP Pro upgrade: $199

XP Home full install: $199

XP Home upgrade: $99

Some people may sell it for a little less or more than these prices, but these are general.

I bought a windows 2000 but it is not a bootable one what should i do to make it bootable?

It sounds to me that you may have inadvertantly picked up a pirated copy.

However there is a way around this.

I would like to make it clear before I continue that I do not in any way support piracy.

The possible solution, which is not gauranteed to work is :

Find another PC you can work at (if you dont have a spare yourself)

Insert the disc into the PC and create an ISO image from the ISO image if that makes any sense.

Create the ISO bootable image using :

Nero 7

When you are installing Nero, remember to check the box next where it says : associate with ISO files.

Insert a blank CD-R and burn the ISO bootable image to that.

As I say there is no gaurantee this will work.

And I repeat again I DO NOT in any way support piracy, im just trying to offer some helpful advice.

It may be that your copy is quite ligit, and the bootloader has become corrupt, if this is the case then there is not much that can be done.

I bought a windows 2000 but it is not a bootable one what should i do to make it bootable?microsoft project

Buy an original, boxed media set complete with a certificate of authenticity. Windows 2000 is so old now you'll have to use somewhere that can provide legit old boxed copies. Sounds like you might have purchased a dodgy pirate disk.

I bought a windows 2000 but it is not a bootable one what should i do to make it bootable?microsoft powerpoint internet explorer

Uhh, not nearly enough information. What version of Windows 2000? What are your exact system specs? Why the heck are you using Windows 2000?

computer security