Sunday, November 29, 2009

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?

go to control panel/system/advanced/performance/advanc... memory/change and increase the value minimum to 800 or 1000 and maximum to 1800 or 2000

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?microsoft word 2003

if your running low on virtual memory then you could be running low on hard drive space check it out... cause if you get to low one day you'll boot up to can't load windows ... missing operating system Report It

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

either stop some programs from running or buy more ram.
Easiest method is to add more RAM and free up disk space as well.

Uninstall old programs you aren't using and move files you are not using (pictures, mp3, avi) onto CD or DVD as a backup.

Issue is that the programs you are running have used up all the RAM and accessed disk space until there is nothing really left.
You need to increase the size of your page file. Right click "My Computer" and choose "Properties" to open the System Properties dialog. Under the "Advanced" tab, find the section "Virtual Meory" and increase its size there. Make sure your disk have enough unsegmented free space, if not, do defragmentation first.
Virtual Memory is space allocated on your hard drive for those times that your physical memory (RAM) is not enough.

To increase the amount of virtual memory go to Control Panel %26gt; System %26gt; Advanced %26gt; Performance %26gt; Settings %26gt; Advanced %26gt; Virtual Memory "Change" %26gt; Custom Size %26gt; adjust as needed. 2 times your physical RAM is a good minimum and 3 times your physical memory in MB is good for your maximum.

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