Friday, November 27, 2009

I stored a windows 2000 document in favorites and can't retrieve it. Help please?

I created a document (actually a diary entry) but by mistake I stored it in Favorites and now I can't get it back. Microsoft want to charge me 锟?0 to tell me, which is ridiculous as it's just a personal document and not worth anything, and trying to find answers on the website is a joke - you have to know what questions to ask and I'm sorry but I haven't a clue about the technical stuff. I could re-write the document but I'd still like to know how to get the original back.

I stored a windows 2000 document in favorites and can't retrieve it. Help please?windows 2000

So does this mean it's in your computer? Have you tried searching for it? There should be a Favorites folder on your computer and the file should be there...

So use Search to try and find the file or use Search to find your Favorites folder and the document hopefully will be there.

Good luck

I stored a windows 2000 document in favorites and can't retrieve it. Help please?internet explorer internet explorer

The chances are it's stored in a folder somewhere in Favorites.

Do this, Click Start and then select Search.

Enter the name of the file and click Search.

This should find the file for you.
If you know what you called the document, then you can use the 'search' facility to find it. The 'search' facility, if you are using 'Windows XP', is listed when you click on 'Start' at the bottom left of your screen.
Click Start - My Computer - Documents and Settings

Click on the folder with your computer name and you will see a big STAR icon labelled Favorites. Click on it to open it and your file should be there.
Go to My computer, then start searching for the file with given name. That's all its simple. When you find the file you can donate at least 50% of the (20) amount to any orphan home

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