Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why is windows xp so much slower than windows 2000?

That's simple. It does more. Windows XP with SP2 has a firewall which also slows things down.

Watch out, Windows Vista will be much slower. Again, it does more.

I prefer to pick my own anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall solutions. I uninstall ALL messenger thing that I do not use. I minimize the Startup programs.

Good luck

Why is windows xp so much slower than windows 2000?microsoft net

It shouldn't be. Your system may not be running enough memory etc to handle xp.

Windows 2000 Professional

133 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU.

64 megabytes (MB) of RAM recommended minimum; more memory generally improves responsiveness [4 gigabytes (GB) RAM maximum.]

2 GB hard disk with a minimum of 650 MB of free space. (Additional free hard disk space is required if you are installing over a network.)

Windows 2000 Professional supports single and dual CPU systems

Windows xp requires:

PC with 300 megahertz or higher processor clock speed recommended; 233 MHz minimum required (single or dual processor system);* Intel Pentium/Celeron family, or AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family, or compatible processor recommended

? 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher recommended (64 MB minimum supported; may limit performance and some features)

? 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space*

? Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution video adapter and monitor

? CD-ROM or DVD drive

? Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

Just to show you the differences.

If your running broadband, that requires at least 64 mb of memory just to run that, and windows xp needs 128 just by itself. I have seen it run with 64 mb and it was pretty much crawling even at 128 mb of ram. Also any antivirus your running could possibly be sucking some of your memory, slowing the O.S. down. You have to look at your systems hardware.

For the person who mentioned Vista, the reason that Operating system is gonna be slow is because Microsoft don't obviously know how to clean up their code, they seem to just add to what they already have. If you don't have at least two processors on that system your out of luck for an upgrade. Meaning there's gonna be an increase in the purchasing of computers.

Why is windows xp so much slower than windows 2000?microsoft flight simulator internet explorer

Who knows? It's way, way slower than Windows 98, too.
how much memory do you have installed? how much do you have starting on startup are you using a third party security suit?

all these things slow you down
It's a bigger, more complex and more sophisticated operating system, that's why. It's the same with Mac OS X - it's never been as fast as the older OS 9.
well, it is not slower, but it does take more of a hit on your system resources, and especially on older systems this will show.

Turning off all the shiny bling effects will help a little; right-click 'my computer', choose 'properties', tab 'advanced' and click on the settings button in the performance box. Then select 'adjust for best performance'

google for 'speeding up windows XP' for more speed tips!
You know the old saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth"? Well, Microcrap thinks throwing enough programmers and code will solve the problem instead of a few skilled people writing better code.

ALL Microcrap "programs" are bloatware and will always be. Every single OS they've ever put out has been beaten for speed and size by the competition, and that goes back to _1981_.

DR-DOS was better than DOS v1 to V3.3, 4DOS was better than DOS v4 (and 5!), IBM's PC-DOS was better than DOS v6 and v7, OS/2 was better than Win3.1 and Win95, Macintosh OS was always superior to Windows (ALL versions), and Linux is smaller, stabler, and more reliable than Windows. Even Vista had to have major sections scrapped because Microcrap admitted themselves that it was too big and disorganized. It's no surprise to any long term computer used that XP is worse than 2000.

You clean your hard disc and check for any spyware. I can give you a link that deals with hard drive problems. Some RAM/ hard drive problems can be easily fixed yourself by using easily available tools. I found the info at useful

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