Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can i format windows 2000 without the original installation disk?

my comps is fried and im sick of it acting there anyway of formatting the comp without the installation disk?

Can i format windows 2000 without the original installation disk?windows xp home

There are lots of ways of FORMATTING it.But unless you have an operating system to install, your hard drive will be rather deserted afterward.

Can i format windows 2000 without the original installation disk?microsoft visual studio internet explorer

yes, you can make a boot disk
no you need the cd to do it if you format the hard drive with out the windows 200 install cd you wont be able to put windows back on with out the cd
I would not, unless I ghave an Instilation cd.
Like the guy said, there are thousands of ways to do it. I stick to one. Download an ubuntu 7.10 iso. Burn it to a CD. Put it in the drive, restart the pc. If it asks to push any key do that. Start ubuntu. Go to the partition manager. You can do anything here, format, create new partitions, delete partitions.

And I'm saying just use ubuntu for the live option and partition manager. DO NOT INSTALL UBUNTU YOUR SMILE WILL TURN UPSIDE DOWN JUST INSTALL WINDOWS.
if you don't have a Windows 2000 disc and want to reformat and try something even better, download the Ubuntu Linux.

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